Two weeks without a game could have been seen as a bad thing but Stevenage have been using the time to their advantage - and it has worked says manager Alex Revell.

Boro's game away to Wigan Athletic was postponed due to international call-ups, mostly from the Latics although Stevenage were missing Eli King and Dan Phillips, away with Wales U21 and Trinidad & Tobago respectively.

But for those that stayed, it was an opportunity to fine-tune the margins and polish the rough edges, ahead of Barnsley's visit to the Lamex on Saturday.

"It's been a really positive two weeks," said Revell. "We didn’t have Eli King or Dan Phillips as they were away for the majority of it. 

"They've gone away and both have played and trained, they weren’t on holiday, both have played internationally which is great for us. 

"But for the group that stayed here and trained, they've worked extremely hard.  

"Last year we didn't get those international breaks and I think this was a chance to get refreshed and also work on the things that we need to work on. 

"We all know what they are, it's clear what we need to improve on and it's been a big thought process in every day so far of these two weeks. 

"We’ve really used the time well to make sure as a team that we're that we're better come Saturday.

"We're not far away it. It’s just [finding] that killer instinct or that final pass or that final cross. That’s what we’ve been lacking and it's something we need to improve."

READ MORE: Dan Sweeney out for 'quite a while' - injury update

The fortnight also saw no game whatsoever, a lack of numbers meaning a behind closed doors match never took place.

It did though allow more time to acclimatise for the club's two deadline day signings, Ken Aboh and Jake Young.

Revell said: "They're both settling in well. Ken's still learning his trade and he's going to learn every day.

"And he's going to make mistakes but he's around a group that won't allow them too often, which is great for him. 

"Jake’s come in and he’s had to get to the level that this group is at. He’s been in and out in terms of where he was previously and training at a different intensity to where he was. 

"He’s had to adjust to make sure when he does get his opportunity, he’s ready to play in the way we want to play. 

"So this two weeks has been great for him because he's now got that into his legs and he’s got to know the group."