A strange old game.

For Stevenage, there was much to be happy with. The performance was improved and the areas that needed tweaked, were.

They were all positives but the frustration was the lack of goals and the lack of three points.

Still there were some good performances and this is how I rated the players at the Pirelli Stadium.

READ MORE: A recap of the 0-0 draw between Stevenage and Burton Albion

READ MORE: Chances go for a Burton as Stevenage draw 0-0 away - match report

Player ratings

Burton Albion (0) 0 Stevenage (0) 0

Murphy Cooper - 6

Has a kick like a mule, although could perhaps learn why to take a touch off as a number of clearances went out for a goal kick up the other end. Nothing to do in terms of chances but is definitely a competent keeper and arguably deserves to be ahead of Taye Ashby-Hammond when he returns.

Dan Butler - 7

Definitely getting back to near his best. A couple of times early on found himself overloaded but that was more with the way Burton were playing and what was happening ahead of him. Otherwise, very decent outing.

Carl Piergianni - 7

For all of Burton's intricate play, they still went for balls into the box which is bread and butter for the big man. His knock-down almost created a goal, ruled out for a foul. Big chances fell to his mate. 

Dan Sweeney - 7

Probably relishes playing against his younger brother and the pair had one moment chasing each other around the park. One error aside early on, he was defensively sound. Would normally bury the header he got from a White corner. Probably should have to be honest as it was probably easier than the effort at the death.

Dan Kemp - 8

What a signing he has been, all that is missing is that elusive goal. Did the right thing in the first half by trying to bend it into the corner, just got his angles wrong. Rest of the time he was getting into the box ad getting beyond the front players. Makes him difficult to defend against. Once he adds goals...

Jordan Roberts - 6

The booking early on hampered him slightly but was still getting his foot in and winning balls high up the pitch. A decent attempt in the second half too, just needs to produce a little bit more. Not quite at the levels he was this time last season.

Tyreece Simpson - 6

A learning point for him is going to be how to use his size and strength to better use. Was up against Ryan Sweeney but couldn't move the big defender enough to create chances. As his strength trumps his speed, that is where he can be a real threat. Didn't happen here.

Kane Smith - 8

Got tired late on but up until then he was magnificent, especially considering the way Burton play often put him against two wingers. Didn't miss a beat much, if at all. Header things away, made tackles and helped move things forward. Comet Sport man of the match.

Harvey White - 6

His corners rarely fail to find a Stevenage head or body. Unfortunately he was more on the defensive today and couldn't get on the ball enough in open play to really open Burton up. Still young and still learning though.

Dan Phillips - 7

Played more further forward but it still needs work. Still, he got his foot in at times and made a difference. One firm shot, could have had more.

Louis Thompson - 6

The booking was for defending his team-mates. I'll take that every day of the week. Didn't offer a great deal more though, perhaps he too was hindered by the yellow card. Played in the right position but wasn't his day.

Subs - Louis Appere, Elliott List

Appere helps Boro play better, that seems to be the thing I picked up here and at Huddersfield. You would think he has to start against Lincoln.

List had one shot but off target.

Game wasn't the time to introduce King but he will get his chance soon.

Burton Albion stand-outs

If I say Terence Vancooten, people will get mad - but he was alright, although not as good as the Boro centre-halves. Ryan Sweeney had an excellent game, would not grumble if he joined his brother at the Lamex.

At the other end, there are a lot of players comfortable on the ball, although they couldn't conjure chances on target. I would include Udoka Godwin-Malife and Dylan Williams in that.


We wanted more shots on target, we got more shots on target. We wanted the press to be better, more focused and done at the correct moments. It was.

Where it needs to get better is getting those goals. The shots on target were all down the keeper's throat and the one that forced a save, fell to a yellow shirt.

I'd like to add getting more players in behind Kemp when he goes into the box, being better at picking up the second ball.

It's frustrating not to have won but it was an improvement. That is a tick in the box.