It may not have been a holiday but manager Alex Revell was more than happy that the trip to Jersey will leave a lasting and positive impact.

On the pitch Boro beat Jersey Bulls 3-0 with goals from Harvey White, Dan Kemp and Elliott List.

However, the four-day jaunt was also a chance to put some serious work into the squad and let them spend some "quality time" with one another.

The boss said: "We did it two years ago and we knew the positives we got from then. I wanted to replicate that because I know the outcome.

"The people of Jersey have worked really hard to make sure we have had fantastic facilities.

"When you come here it's about working hard but it's also about bonding because you are here without your families - your kids, your wife or your partner, so it's a good chance to spend quality time [with the squad].

"We've done that and are ready to get back to work."

The game itself was played under a baking hot sun but Revell saw yet more positives.

He said: "All in all, there were some really good parts of the game but the pleasing thing for me is we have been here since Wednesday and we have put in incredible amounts of effort.

"They have worked really hard so to deliver a performance like that is really good for us.

"It shows the mentality of the group and what they are willing to do.

"Ultimately you want to win because the amount of people who have come to watch us is incredible.

"And it doesn't matter what club you are or what level you are at, winning and seeing different things gives you confidence."

They returned home having also given minutes to a number of youngsters, all of whom put in "really encouraging" performances and there were no new injury concerns to worry about.

Next up is a game against Coventry City back at the Lamex.

And that is another chance for the Boro squad to show more improvement.

"We need to increase minutes," said Revell. "It was perfect to have a half each here because we've worked hard but we do need to increase the minutes.

"But we also want to see what we've been working on in training really start to show and we saw parts of that against Jersey.

"We want to get players in their best positions so they can have the confidence to go and show their ability.

"We're still missing gilt-edged opportunities, we could have had six or seven really, but we missed those chances at vital times and we need to start taking them.

"But I'd be more worried if we weren't creating them.

"We've just got to keep improving in terms of fitness and what we're delivering on the pitch.

"They've already done that [to be fair]. We've had a few weeks know and they have improved.

"We'll keep working hard to make sure we're ready for the start of the season."