Stevenage finished their pre-season with a four-star showing - and manager Steve Evans says they expect to have two new faces at least for their League One opener at Northampton.

Boro won 4-0 against a young Tottenham Hotspur side in the last friendly outing before Saturday's first game of the season.

Nick Freeman got two in the first half before a Carl Piergianni header and an own-goal wrapped things up early in the second period.

Stevenage have been hit by a number of injuries since returning to work and their threadbare squad was on display at the Lamex.

That though is all about to change.

Evans said: "We have outline agreements for two players, possibly three, but certainly two joining us in next 24 to 48 hours. 

"They'll be with us at St George’s on Monday 

"We've all worked extremely hard, done it and patience has never been a virtue of mine but in [pursuing] these in these players we've had to show that. 

"It's adding to the group and it's not superstars, these aren’t signings that will rock the world, but they're coming to help us and that's what we want."

The injuries picked during pre-season have been a concern to the Boro boss but he says bar one, most are clearing up nicely.

Evans said: "Terrance [Vancooten] is the only one that's a problem.

"Dan Sweeney is a carry-over from last year, he needed an operation at the end of last season and it's just about time really.

"But he was flying on the grass yesterday so he's a long way further forward now than we thought.

"That's why it's now two weeks.

"Elliot List was flat out yesterday and could have been involved [against Tottenham] but I made the decision, and both the medical team and Elliot were happy to do.

"And Harry Anderson, who's going to be a big player for us, he's not been out there because he's had a little groin issue which had to be dealt with.

"He's now at the middle of the second week of a four-week back to play schedule."

And the couple of days they will spend up at St George's will be a boost to the whole squad, not just those that are coming back from injury.

The Stevenage manager said: "We'll have a match on the Tuesday but it is the whole thing.

"We'll travel up tomorrow [Sunday] and have use of all the facilities like the pool and the hydro therapies and the oxygen chambers that will take the lads to the pinnacle.

"We'll train really bright on Monday and then on Monday night we'll have a presentation from Howard Webb and a couple of EFL referees about the new rule changes.

"That's good for the group because they'll hear it from a World Cup referee, the man at the head of it.

"Tuesday we'll get really serious and play the game before we head home Tuesday night.

"Wednesday we'll give the boys a little break and then Thursday and Friday we'll get ready for Sixfields."