Citizens Advice North Herts is celebrating its volunteer trustees to mark Trustees Week

This week is Trustees Week from November 1-5 and we are celebrating the vital role our trustees play in our organisation.

Mel Chammings has been chair of our trustees at Citizens Advice North Herts and shares some of her thoughts:

The Comet: Mel Chammings has been Chair of our Trustees at Citizens Advice North HertsMel Chammings has been Chair of our Trustees at Citizens Advice North Herts (Image: Citizens Advice North Herts)

"I am a trustee and have been one since I took early retirement over a decade ago. I decided that I didn’t want to be a lady who lunched and my partner suggested that I look at one of the volunteer recruitment sites and that was the beginning of my experience as a trustee.

"I have volunteered for several charities over the years and have been so much richer for the experience.

"I have always felt that my contribution is valued and having been a very busy person when I was in paid employment being a trustee kept my brain active.

"Volunteering is rewarding. but like everything else, you get out what you put in. Charities are always on the lookout for skilled people so if you have some spare time, then this may just what you are looking for."

Who are Citizens Advice?

We are an independent, trusted charity who help people solve problems where no other help is available locally.

People come to us with a range of issues ranging from money problems to relationships, employment, homelessness and more.

Our services are free for everyone in our community and our support is a lifeline to many who find themselves in difficult situations and hardship through no fault of their own.

In 2020/21 we helped over 5,000 people, despite the pandemic forcing the lockdown of our face-to-face services.

Many people who come to us have a disability, long-term health condition or mental health problem. The issues they bring to us are often urgent, confusing and distressing.

Nearly half the issues we deal with involve financial crises. Whether it’s guiding someone through the maze of benefits, tax credits or universal credit, or helping someone manage their debt – we are there to help.