Have your say on plans to move Stevenage Museum into the town centre and you could win a family ticket to this year's pantomime at the Gordon Craig Theatre.

"As part of long-term transformation proposals for Stevenage town centre, the relocation of Stevenage Museum is in its early stages of discussion," a spokesperson for Stevenage Borough Council explained.

"This would see the museum relocate from its current home, in the undercroft of the Church of St Andrew and St George, to a more prominent space in the centre of the town.


"Please complete our survey with your thoughts and ideas on what should be incorporated within a relocated museum at forms.office.com/e/kw0cVn3aDA."

The closing date is Friday, July 7, at 3pm.

All completed surveys will be entered into a draw to win a family pantomime ticket at the Gordon Craig Theatre.


The council spokesperson continued: "We are asking for your help in shaping the museum's new home.

"This will be a chance to do things a little bit differently - and some things the same - with a more modern layout and in a great, central location.

"Although this move is not imminent, to do it right, we need your input at an early stage."