If Baldock care home resident Arthur had magical powers, he "would help poor and homeless people", he expressed.

Ria Bradford, manager at Osbourne Court where Arthur lives, said: "Jo, the engagement lead at Osbourne Court, helped Arthur's magical powers come true.

"Arthur delivered socks for people who don't have a home."

Arthur met with Charles, who works for North Herts Sanctuary - a charity supporting homeless people in the area.

Arthur said: "I want to help people in need. Kindness goes a long way."

Arthur met with Charles, who works for North Herts Sanctuary.Arthur met with Charles, who works for North Herts Sanctuary. (Image: Courtesy of Ria Bradford) Ria said: "Charles explained they are always welcoming items they can give out to support the homeless community.

"Osbourne Court is going to continue to support the charity as a whole home approach, as we believe Arthur is right, and kindness does go a long way."