A primary school in Stevenage has received a glowing inspection from the Catholic Schools Inspectorate (CSI) that reflects their “beautiful school". 

St Margaret Clitherow School was graded as outstanding for catholic life, mission and collective worship, and good for religious education. 

The report noted that there is a very tight relationship between the school, parents, the parish and the diocese and that children are “happy, confident and very proud of their school” as they try to follow Jesus every day. 

A spokesperson said: “The school would like to express gratitude to its parents for their vital role in the school community. 

“St Margaret Clitherow may be a small school, but as this inspection shows, it is one with a big heart, dedicated to fostering faith, learning and love.”

The Catholic Schools Inspectorate visited St Margaret Clitherow SchoolThe Catholic Schools Inspectorate visited St Margaret Clitherow School (Image: St Margaret Clitherow School) Pupils’ behaviour is "exemplary" throughout the school and they are seen to enjoy prayer and liturgy, where they use a variety of forms of expression such as singing. 

The report documented the religious education that the children receive, saying: “They are beginning to think ethically and theologically and enjoy the challenge of a high-quality debate.”

Teachers are seen to be confident about their subject knowledge and ensure that work is engaging and interesting for pupils, as partner work is encouraged alongside the personal reflection.

In regards to the curriculum, the report said: “They plan lessons that enable pupils to engage in discussion; however, the challenging questions posed in class to develop more able learners’ thinking is not always reflected in tasks in books."

Students are reported to enjoy Christian meditation, as one pupil said: “‘It gives me time and space to thank God for my friends and get ready for my learning in the afternoon.”

A parent said: “The school mixes everyday learning and worship together in a way that is fun and engaging for all children from all different backgrounds.”

The school respects all faiths and makes sure that pupils are equipped to understand and respect people of other faiths in the wider community. 

To read the full report visit http://www.clitherow.herts.sch.uk/documents/241028_St-Margaret-Clitherow-Catholic-Primary-School-Final.pdf.