Stevenage’s annual fireworks display in Fairlands Valley Park will be taking place tomorrow (Tuesday) to celebrate Bonfire Night.

It is a free event and opens at 6.30pm, with the fireworks display set to start at 7.30pm.

There will be a variety of hot food and refreshments available from street vendors.

Parking will be available at the South Field car park on Broadhall Way.

Parking at Marriotts School's sports centre is only available to those who need accessible parking.

A spokesperson for Stevenage Borough Council said: "The fireworks display will start at 7.30pm sharp, so please do get there in plenty of time.

"The display, funded and organised by the council, always draws the crowds, so please avoid driving if possible.

"If you must drive, parking will be available at the South Field car park - opposite Stevenage FC stadium - or in the town centre car parks.

"Please avoid parking on residential streets and be mindful of residents when making your way to and from the display.

"Parking at Marriotts School's sports centre is only available to those who need accessibility parking for the Fairlands fireworks display. It is not a public car park. There are limited spaces, available on a first come, first served basis.

"Visitors are asked not to bring their own fireworks or sparklers to the display for health and safety reasons, and we also advise visitors to not buy from street traders or hawkers at the event, as they have not been accredited by Stevenage Borough Council.

"Please avoid crossing Six Hills Way, which is a high-speed road. There are underpasses available for pedestrians to walk through, and security stewards shall be on hand to direct you to the underpass.

"Any vehicles parked on double yellow lines and grass verges risk being towed away.

"This year's display has been supplied by Fantastic Fireworks. Wrap up warm and be prepared for a fireworks extravaganza!"

For further updates regarding the event, including any wet weather announcements, please check Stevenage Borough Council's social media pages.