A planning application has been submitted to build a new scout hut in Hitchin.

The plans would see the current building at the rear of Our Lady Immaculate and St Andrew Catholic Church in Nightingale Road demolished to make way for the new hut.

Solar roof panels will be included as part of the new building, with alterations also made to the existing car parking layout and access.

According to plans, the existing building, constructed in the 1970s, was only meant to be a temporary structure and needs replacing. 

"The existing scout hut was built as a temporary building and brought to the site in mid 1970’s. It was never intended to still be standing today. Since then, it has been used by the church and many local groups and charities," the application reads.

"Unfortunately, despite efforts to refurbish the building, it does not and will never be able to meet current day standards and is becoming dilapidated in some areas. 

"By replacing the existing building, it will ensure the continued use of a vital community facility for many years to come.

"The elevational style of the new building has been designed to fit in with the existing church buildings It is traditional in form but uses high quality external materials of red facing brickwork and plain roof tiles to match the adjacent church buildings."

To find out more, visit visit pa2.north-herts.gov.uk/online-applications/, and search 24/01993/FP.