Children from Therfield First School and Ashwell JMI School were visited by a Royston PCSO to learn about community policing in the town.

PCSO Chris Brabrook, from the Royston Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) spent time with the children on Thursday, October 10.

He explained his role and how police are there to help them, and gave them some personal safety tips.

Royston PCSO Chris Brabrook with schoolchildrenRoyston PCSO Chris Brabrook with schoolchildren (Image: Herts police) The NPT officers are traditional 'bobbies on the beat' and focus on tackling issues in their area. They also regularly visit schools and community groups as part of their work.

PCSO Brabrook said: "These visits are a great way to introduce children to the police in a positive way, they were a delight and listened to all that was said.

"They enjoyed trying on some of the gear and having a look around the police car.


"Visits like this are so worthwhile as it helps children to trust the police and learn what to do if they ever need us."

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