Garden House Hospice Care's annual Sunset Starlight Walk has raised £42,000.

418 people helped to ‘light up the night’ as they embarked on the popular challenge which takes participants on a 6.5-mile walk starting and finishing at Letchworth Hall.

A couple in fancy free at the Sunset Starlight finish lineA couple in fancy free at the Sunset Starlight finish line (Image: Mike O’Neill, Hitchin Camera Club) The hospice was delighted with the ‘truly incredible’ amount raised, which could fund more than six days of care for all the patients in its inpatient unit.

A first-time participant in this year’s Sunset Starlight walk, Jo Heasman said: “I was just blown away!Participants dressed in bright clothing to help ‘light up the night’Participants dressed in bright clothing to help ‘light up the night’ (Image: Mike O’Neill, Hitchin Camera Club) “It has to be one of the most special, magical walks I have ever taken part in.”

The Product and Events Development Lead at the Hospice, Adam Brockett said: “This year was one of our largest, and possibly noisiest, Sunset Starlight Walks in the last 15 years.

A group of friends 'cheers' at the finish lineA group of friends 'cheers' at the finish line (Image: Mike O’Neill, Hitchin Camera Club) “We are thrilled with the fundraising efforts of our walkers – thank you to each and every one of you.”

To sign up for a future fundraising event in aid of Garden House Hospice Care, visit their website

The walk saw groups of friends, families and colleagues walk 6.5 miles around LetchworthThe walk saw groups of friends, families and colleagues walk 6.5 miles around Letchworth (Image: Garden House Hospice Care)