Resurfacing works have been carried out on the A1(M), after 'sinkholes' opened up on the northbound carriageway.

The two holes were between junctions 6  - The Clock at  Welwyn - and 7 - Langley Sidings/Stevenage South, causing tailbacks last night (Monday).

The passenger of one car told this paper: "Two large sinkholes have reappeared on the A1(M). These holes originally appeared in March and were supposedly repaired."

The holes in the road caused tailbacks.The holes in the road caused tailbacks. (Image: BCH Road Policing Unit)

Nationals Highways has confirmed that resurfacing works were carried out and completed last night. 

A spokesperson said: "We have been back there today and had it confirmed there are no more holes in that area and everything is open."

In June, National Highways carried out road surface repairs to this stretch of road when a depression in the road surface required excavation and reconstruction of part of the carriageway.

In March, the same stretch of road was closed for more than a week while works were carried out to repair what National Highways called "a significant defect".

National Highways has previously explained that the cause of the past defects are likely to be due to the fact that the A1(M) runs over chalk and watercourses.