A Hitchin garage described as a Citroen "mecca" is attracting car owners from across the world.

The Chevronics Centre Ltd has been repairing Citroen vehicles old and new for loyal customers for over thirty years and opened a classic car showroom in 2021.

Owner Rob Moss believes their specialised parts and repairs are a key factor in drawing in people from "far afield".

Rhyce Mitchell, owner of a classic car garage in Australia, made the journey to Chevronics from Australia to purchase a 1997 Citroen GS which he is currently using to travel across Europe.

Rhyce Mitchell runs his own garage in Australia and was eager to visit Chevronics.Rhyce Mitchell runs his own garage in Australia and was eager to visit Chevronics. (Image: The Chevronics Centre Ltd) The petrol head described Hitchin as "wonderful" during his stay and plans to ship his car back to Australia after his travels due to "falling in love" with the classic car.

Johnnie Noel-Baker, who lives in Greece with his family, undertook a nine-day journey starting on September 2, to have his beloved Citroen BX checked over.

Despite its 414,000-kilometre mileage, Rob assured the university student that the car only required two rubber exhaust hangars to be replaced.

Johnnie Noel-Baker completed a nine-day journey to Chevronics in September.Johnnie Noel-Baker completed a nine-day journey to Chevronics in September. (Image: The Chevronics Centre Ltd) Rob said: "We are starting to feel like a mecca for classic car owners, when people come to the UK, they visit us.

"One man from the Philippines was staying in Manchester and he drove all the way down just to see the showroom."

Chevronics operates a family-run business with Rob, his wife Lisa and their children, exporting car parts to Japan, New Zealand and South Africa.

Rob added: "A lot of garages are worried to work on older Citroen models and that's why people use us.

"It's become a kind of Citroen religion, which is strange as I never imagined that is how people would've perceived my company."