A womenswear boutique in Hitchin is set to close down, with its owner planning to retire after 35 years in the fashion industry.

Ann Marie's in Churchyard will be shutting later this year, with a closing down sale currently taking place.

Owner Ann Marie Rouse told The Comet that now was the time to call it a day - having recently recovered from breast cancer - and that she has exciting plans to travel the world.

"I’ve been in the fashion industry for 35 years, and I’ve been here in Hitchin for 17 years," she said. 

"I had breast cancer and I’m nearly 70, so I think it’s the right time.

"If I had a daughter that could take over the business then I would stay because it’s a good business and Hitchin is a great town, but for me, it’s time to retire.

"I’m very excited to go travelling. My husband is retired so we’re going to see the world. We’ve got plans to go the Caribbean and plenty of other places, so we can’t wait."

Although Ann Marie is sad to be closing her store, she has been "overwhelmed" by the response from customers and is proud of the business she has built.

"It’s sad because we’ve had customers who are going to miss us in tears," she revealed. 

"I didn’t realise how proud of the business I was until I’ve seen the reaction of people. I’ve had cards, flowers and chocolates from customers, and I do feel very proud. It’s been overwhelming.

"I’m not the sort of person to pat myself on the back, but over the years we’ve been so successful because I’ve put in the effort and the hours over the years to make this a successful business."

Ann Marie was keen to encourage shoppers to keep supporting high street fashion stores which provide an "experience you can't get online", recalling the story of woman she helped on her son's wedding day as a prime example.

"If people don’t shop on the high street, shops like ours will go," she said.

"We outfight people for special occasions, and you can’t buy that experience online. I know the wardrobes of our customers personally, so I can tell them what to buy to go with what they already have.

"A lady came in one Saturday and she was in tears. It was her son’s wedding at St Mary’s Church, and there were six other people wearing the same dress as her, and she didn’t want to be wearing the same as them on her son’s big day.

"She came over her, we dressed her and off she went. It’s moments like those that make what we do special."