A planning application has been submitted to build new homes in Offley.

The plans, put forward by SBEF, are proposing the construction of two three-bedroom properties and two one-bedroom apartments on land adjacent to School House, in School Lane.

The application also includes five parking spaces and a new access road from School Lane.

"The layout has been structured to give the best homes possible," the planning application reads.

"The roofs will be slate and walls a red clay brick is proposed for the external material.  Well-proportioned casement windows will give good light and ventilation.

"The homes will harmonize with the surrounding houses and landscape. The village character of the site and surrounding properties is fully respected and will form a well-designed sustainable cluster of housing. 

"Considering the location, size and sympathetic design of the proposed new homes, we believe this proposal would be a positive contribution to the housing of Offley.  

"It is a development that enriches the local area through the construction aesthetically pleasing buildings."