Supermarket giant Sainsbury's has apologised for not meeting hygiene standards, after a customer raised salmonella concerns over dirty shelves holding raw chicken at a Stevenage store.

The worried customer was shocked at the filthy shelves when he visited Sainsbury's Coreys Mill.

He said: "I believe that there is a serious risk of salmonella from these dirty shelves.

"Having visited the supermarket last weekend, no cleaning has taken place.

Sainsbury's has apologised for not meeting hygiene standards.Sainsbury's has apologised for not meeting hygiene standards. (Image: Supplied) "I noticed the fresh chicken shelves were waiting to be re-stocked, so sections of the shelving they’re displayed on was showing.

"Having come back a few days later, the shelves were the same condition - nasty and potentially dangerous."

The shelves were not clean.The shelves were not clean. (Image: Supplied)

The Comet contacted Sainsbury's about the hygiene concern and a spokesperson said: "Our stores have strict hygiene rules, where our display units are inspected and cleaned regularly. We are sorry that these usual high standards were not met in this instance."