Planning permission has been granted for a vacant village pub to be turned into a four-bedroom home.

The Bull at Gosmore, near Hitchin, shut down in June 2023, after the landlords admitted they were "fighting a losing battle with staffing, energy bills and rising prices", and the popular village spot has been closed ever since.

It has been on the market since 2023, but has failed to attract a buyer.

A planning and heritage statement accompanying a planning application to turn the building into a four-bedroom home says: "It has been established that there is no existing need or demand for a public house in this location and, as such, the applicant wishes to bring the units back into a use that will enhance the setting of the listed building and contribute to the housing supply in the district."

North Herts Council has now granted planning permission for the proposed change of use of the Grade II listed building, which sits within Gosmore Conservation Area.

The council's planning officer said: "The building is currently empty and serves no benefit to the public in its present state.

"Through its conversion to a residential dwelling, the building would be brought back into an optimum, viable use.

"No external changes are proposed to the building, with minor internal changes that wouldn’t affect the building’s noteworthy features, and so its fabric would be retained."

He added: "The proposed change of use may improve the standard of amenities for neighbouring occupiers by removing a noise-generating use from this predominantly residential area.

"Furthermore, proposed alterations to the building are unlikely to dominate or overlook any neighbouring occupiers."