A 17-strong team from North Herts Council is set to climb the Yorkshire Three Peaks, already raising more than £5k for charity.

The venture, happening on September 6, includes managing director Anthony Roche and two service directors.

They aim to complete the three peaks within 12 hours for Cancer Research UK.

The challenging route, part of The Public Sector Challenge, begins around 6am, spanning 24 miles (38.6km) in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

This round trip comprises 1,585m (5,200ft) of ascent, encompassing the peaks of Pen-y-Ghent (694 metres), Whernside (736 metres) and Ingleborough (723 metres).

Sarah Kingsley, service director for Place, said: "This is a fantastic challenge which is bringing public sector workers together from across the country in the great outdoors to raise money for charity.

"It will be good exercise, and good for the mind, and although it's likely to be tiring we'll come back feeling proud and refreshed.

"Most importantly we'll be contributing to funding all-important research into cancer, which one in two of us will develop in some form."

The council's team also received sponsorship for their entry fees from their leisure contractor, Everyone Active.

Chris Williams, the company's contract manager across North Herts, said: "We are so proud to be sponsoring our local council as they embark on this monumental challenge, raising money for a cause close to many of our hearts.

"As a company which strives to make positive change through sport and physical activity, we are thrilled to be helping the team in a small way to help them make a real difference to the lives of those living with cancer."

Despite being a relatively new event, it has already attracted support including the Local Government Association.

An event organiser stated: "Local government is always up for a challenge but the last few years have been more challenging than most.

"Annually we are asking the public sector to come together by taking on a challenge and by doing so raise money for Cancer Research UK."