A Letchworth dad has completed two charity challenges on a penny farthing in memory of his seven-year-old son.

Every year, Richard Barr raises money for charity in memory of his son, Tom, who had Down's syndrome and congenital heart disease, and died in 2004.

Richard said: "Tom tended to create a tidal wave of smiles and laughter wherever he went, as others were taken by his infectious joy.

"He has had a huge influence on my life and that of my family.

"Despite his challenges, Tom enjoyed life to the full and lit up the lives of those around him."

Tom Barr died in 2004, aged seven.Tom Barr died in 2004, aged seven. (Image: Courtesy of Richard Barr)

Since Tom died, Richard has raised money for the Down’s Syndrome Association and for Woolgrove School, Special Needs Academy in Letchworth.

He said: "Each year, I take on a different challenge to raise funds for the two charities who helped us so much. I guess, too, there may be something therapeutic for me in the charity adventures.

"When I was about to embark upon my first charity challenge, a friend said he was sure that Tom would be riding pillion with me. This sentiment is comforting and has always rested with me. There are two of us on the challenges I undertake."

On August 11, Richard competed in the Penny Farthing World Championship Hill Climb Time Trial in Eastbourne.

The 2.91mile route rises from the seafront and climbs over 150 metres up to the summit at Beachy Head, attracting riders from around the world.

Richard said: "I was very pleased to even make it up the hill on a penny farthing, and delighted to have come 19th out of 26 riders.

"Large crowds cheered all of the competitors, on what was a truly wonderful day."

Richard carries out annual charity challenges in memory of Tom.Richard carries out annual charity challenges in memory of Tom. (Image: Courtesy of Richard Barr)

Then, on August 17, Richard completed a second penny farthing challenge, riding as far as he could in a single 12-hour period, across Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire.

Richard said: "I left home just after 6am, finished 12 hours later, and I was delighted to have achieved a distance of 102.88 miles.

"This was one of the toughest challenges I have ever taken on. Friendly waves and encouragement from strangers along the way helped me to complete a very tiring and emotional ride."

Richard’s past challenges have included riding a motorcycle the length of South America, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, riding a bicycle across Vietnam and Cambodia, dog-sledding across Lapland, trekking to Everest Base Camp, and cycling from Land’s End to John O’Groats.

To make a donation, visit justgiving.com/page/richardbarr.