Five people have been arrested after police raids in Hitchin and Letchworth, targeting an organised crime group.

During the raids, class A drugs, mobile phones and equipment often used in drug supply were seized.

Three men and two women were arrested.

Lewis Nichols, aged 26, of Mill Road in St Ippolyts, and Craig Bell, aged 45, of Jarden in Letchworth, have been charged with conspiracy to supply cocaine, crack cocaine and heroin. Both have been remanded into custody.

Luke Jenkins, aged 47, and Kim Galabraith, aged 35, who are both from Letchworth, have been charged with conspiracy to supply cocaine, crack cocaine and heroin. Both have been released on bail while the police investigation continues.

A 22-year-old woman from St Ippolyts was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to supply class A drugs and has been released on bail.

The operation was led by Hertfordshire Constabulary's specialist county lines team, Operation Mantis.

Detective Sergeant Chris Cowell, from the constabulary's Serious and Organised Crime Command, said: "This operation targeted the ‘Captain’ drug line, which was operating in the North Herts area.

"We will continue to take a very proactive approach to targeting drug dealing in the county, working with our partners in other agencies to make it difficult for these crime groups to operate, preventing new gangs becoming established, and targeting them early before they get a foothold and serious offences can occur."