Pubs in Stevenage and North Herts believe that an outdoor smoking ban would be the “final nail in the coffin”, after the Prime Minister appeared to confirm reports of a possible ban.

Keir Starmer refused to rule out a ban on smoking outdoors when questioned earlier today (August 29), following reports in national newspapers that the government are planning to announce new laws.

But the plans have been met with a negative reaction from publicans who fear the negative impact on their businesses at a time when the hospitality sector is already struggling.

Luke Bannister from The Squirrel, Stevenage said: “It would be the final nail in the coffin, it will cost you more money, get you more staff outside and inside the pub.”

Smoking has been a hotly contested political issue this year, with the then Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announcing plans back in April to ban the sale of cigarette for future generations.

The new government shares Sunak's desire to crack down on smoking, citing the 80,000 "preventable deaths" it causes each year.

Adam Nicholls, owner of the The Plough in Kings Walden, said: “Hospitality has been dealt a terrible hand, the last thing it needs is more regulation and more conflict, more opportunity for friction and more business walking away.

“I guarantee another 1,000 pubs shut within five years, it’s ridiculous, what next? Give people some free rein.”

Another landlord from Stevenage described the potential ban as "unpopular" amongst their consumers and asked: "how can the police enforce the ban?".

Reaction from readers has been negative, with more than 30 weighing in on social media.

One wrote: “I think he (Keir Starmer) has better things to be fixing in the country we are broken and he is worrying about smoking.”

While another said: “People won't go to the pubs then agree no smoking inside totally but outside pubs and bars won't survive. I'm a non-smoker but disagree with this.”