The Triratna Buddhist Meditation Group in Letchworth will be answering questions and welcoming new members at their September open evening.

Most people will have seen statues of the Buddha - maybe as a garden ornament or in an Asian restaurant - and the group will be explaining who the Buddha is, why he is shown meditating and why he is associated with peacefulness.

Although Buddhism is often seen as an eastern religion practised by monks in orange robes, there are many western Buddhists who do not live in monasteries but who follow Buddhist principles as part of their everyday lives, alongside jobs and families.

The open evening will be held on Thursday, September 12 from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at the Quaker Meeting House in South View, Letchworth.


There will be short talks about Buddhist ideas, a meditation taster and opportunities to ask questions about how Buddhist philosophy can be followed in the modern world, and how it can help us deal with what life throws at us.

Booking is not necessary, but for further information call 01462 621882 or email

For those who can't make it, the group meets every week on Thursday evenings, and everyone is welcome to come along.