Police have been targeting 'nuisance drivers' in Stevenage, following complaints from residents.

Between 8pm and 2am on key nights, officers have monitored the showground car park on Broadhall Way, after complaints from residents about drivers racing cars, doing doughnuts, revving engines and having noisy exhausts.

Section 59 warnings have been issued to motorists in relation to their manner of driving. If these drivers are stopped again within 12 months, the car they are driving – whether it is theirs or not – will be seized. Repeat offenders could also be prosecuted under the Road Traffic Act and sent to court.

Uniformed officers have also been conducting speed checks on Broadhall Way and Gresley Way during these times.

Neighbourhood Sergeant Jon Hickmott said: "The local policing priorities are set following feedback from residents every four months. These are the issues that have a negative impact on local communities, and nuisance driving is an ongoing issue in this area that we intend to clamp down on.

"We will continue to monitor the area and deal with those who drive anti-socially and have a detrimental impact on those living nearby. We would urge people to keep reporting this behaviour to us and to make a note of as much information and detail as possible."

To report incidents of anti-social driving, visit orlo.uk/yqCI3, speak to an operator in the Force Communications Room via the online web chat at orlo.uk/Nwkxg, or call the non-emergency number 101.