A Stevenage pre-school, where "children demonstrate high levels of confidence", has been rated good in all areas by Ofsted.

At Sunbeams Pre-school in Bedwell Crescent, "children arrive happily, engage well in play and enjoy the time they spend at the setting", Ofsted said following a recent inspection.

A report by the education watchdog says: "Staff have a robust understanding of the needs of all children in their care.

"They conduct home visits prior to children starting. This enables them to gain a deep understanding of children's early experiences.

"Staff use this knowledge to create an environment and plan learning opportunities that children may not otherwise receive."

Ofsted has also highlighted how "children delight at having continuous access to outdoor play opportunities, where they grow plants, explore water play and can be physically active".

The report continues: "Staff support children's critical thinking skills particularly well during activities. They allow children to take the lead and explore resources in their own way.

"Staff encourage children to discuss their ideas and allow them plenty of time to respond to their thought-provoking questions. They allow children to follow their ideas and see for themselves if they are correct.

"Children demonstrate high levels of confidence. They interact well with visitors, engaging them in play and chatting to them about their favourite activities."

Meanwhile, children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well supported in the pre-school, the education watchdog found, and the "nurturing key staff have a deep understanding of children's specific needs".

Ofsted also found that "relationships between staff and parents are strong," with "highly effective methods of two-way communication".

It noted how children are kind and polite, with "staff promoting these behaviours consistently well".

Ofsted also highlighted how "the well-qualified team of staff embrace opportunities to extend their knowledge".

In terms of room for improvement, Ofsted said the provider should "enhance current methods of supervision to support all staff to deliver a consistently high standard of teaching during all interactions with children."

It also said it should "continuously evaluate practice, in particular group sessions, ensuring that they meet the needs of those children in attendance".