A planning application has been submitted to build a new 35.5 hectare solar farm in St Ippolyts.

The plans, submitted by Nick Roberts, would see the farm built on land south of Wymondley substation and Sperberry Hill.

The proposal also include the construction of associated battery storage and ancillary infrastructure.

"The size of the proposed solar farm, whilst a reasonable land take, is not significant in the scale of solar farms," the application reads.

"This is considered reasonable given the scale of arable fields around the application site. The scale of solar farms can vary significantly and is assessed in the context of the area.

"The proposed built form of the development would be limited in terms of bulk, mass and height due to the type of proposals, although acknowledging that it does change the use and therefore character of the land.

"The site is within the Green Belt and comprises of agricultural land. The proposed development would not have a negative environmental impact due to its location on pollutive discharge or ecology."

Consultation for the plans are open until August 31. To view the plans and have your say, visit pa2.north-herts.gov.uk/online-applications, and search 24/01666/SO.