North Herts Council is considering a change to the way it involves parishes in local government.

Parish and community councils operate in areas of North Hertfordshire such as Ashwell, Graveley, Kimpton and Wymondley. They run local facilities and represent residents' views on issues such as planning applications.

North Herts Council is now conducting a Community Governance Review across the whole district, following the recent redrawing of district council ward boundaries. Residents, parishes and businesses in North Herts can respond.

Changes that could be suggested as part of the review include:

  • Creating and naming parishes
  • Altering parish boundaries
  • Abolishing or dissolving parishes
  • Changing the number of councillors elected to a parish council
  • Changing the year when elections of parish councillors are ordinarily held
  • Deciding whether the parish should be divided into wards or parish groupings

Proposals for changes, if and where necessary, will be developed by North Herts Council after responses from the consultation has been assessed.

Draft proposals will then be laid before a second consultation in early 2025.

Melanie Stimpson, returning officer at North Herts Council, said: “Parish and community councils are the first tier of government in England and play an important role in terms of community empowerment at a local level.

"The Community Governance Review is more than a process; it’s an invitation for you to bring positive change to your local community by getting involved in shaping the future of North Herts.

“Your input will contribute to building local governance arrangements that best reflect the identities and interest of your local community.”

Any changes will come into effect for the scheduled elections in May 2026.

The current consultation is open until October 7, and you can give your views here:

Residents without online access can visit North Herts Council's Customer Service Centre at their head office in Gernon Road, Letchworth.