Police investigating recent vandalism at St Mary's Church in Baldock have not yet made any arrests - despite suggestions to the contrary on social media.

Between 2am and 4m on Friday, July 19, "several gravestones" were damaged within the church graveyard, with the church and vehicles in the area also being damaged.

Police conducted house-to-house enquiries following the incident and said they were ramping up their patrols in the area.

Rector Rev Phillipa Maddox told the BBC “all the windows and doors” of the church hall had been smashed.

“It's really such a profound shock because this is a space that’s loved by the community.


"It's hard to think of something so violent being done in a space that feels so peaceful."

On police advice, the church hall had to be temporarily closed, with activities such as a food bank being cancelled or moved at short notice.

A statement on the church's website confirmed that after work from their "amazing" volunteers, the hall was able to re-open on Sunday, July 28.

The statement added: "We will be moving forward with repairs as swiftly as possible, but, of course, these things take time.

"We are trying to keep a positive attitude and trusting God that he can bring good things out of this terrible situation.  Thank you all for your support and prayers!"

North Herts Council issued a statement last week condemning the "appalling" incident.

A spokesperson for Hertfordshire police said "enquiries are continuing".

Anyone with information is asked to report it by emailing sam.durham@herts.police.uk.

Information can also be reported at herts.police.uk/report, via web chat at herts.police.uk/contact, or by calling 101 and quoting reference 41/58975/24.