Police officers have seized two e-scooters in Stevenage as part of an operation to target their misuse.

Officers from the neighbourhood policing team reported the riders of both e-scooters for not having relevant insurance. One rider was also reported for riding without a licence.

PC Jack Pickering, who is leading the operation, said: “E-scooter use is a constant problem in the town centre and now the holiday season is upon us, it is likely to increase.

“To this end we will be carrying out regular patrols in the town, targeting those who use e-scooters in this area.

“These vehicles have become increasingly popular in recent years, however it is illegal to ride them on public land anywhere in Hertfordshire. The only place you can legally ride an e-scooter in Stevenage, is on private land and only with the landowner’s permission.


“If you are caught riding an e-scooter on a public highway, park, pavement or cycle lane, it could be seized, and you will be reported for driving offences which could lead to significant penalty points (if you currently hold a driving licence) and a fine.

“If you are a parent letting your child ride an e-scooter in public, you will be the one found responsible and this could affect your own driving licence.”

Police officers in the area are talking to retailers that sell e-scooters, asking them to remind any buyers that they can only use an e-scooter on private land with permission from the landowner.