A nursery in Stevenage that offers a "vibrant, exciting learning environment" has been rated good by Ofsted in all areas.

"Children remain deeply absorbed in their learning throughout the day" at Priory Nursery in Stevenage Old Town, Ofsted says in a report following a recent inspection.

"Children are excited to arrive and enjoy the time they spend in this vibrant, exciting learning environment.

"Staff plan a wealth of interesting activities and encourage children to follow their own ideas and thinking in play."

Meanwhile, children are polite and show empathy and kindness towards others, Ofsted highlighted.

The education watchdog found that staff at the nursery adapt their teaching well to meet the needs of the wide age range of children who attend, "skilfully differentiating group sessions to provide focused teaching opportunities".

Ofsted noted how staff prepare children well for their next stage of learning, collaborating with schools and mirroring the routines children will experience.

"Children develop confidence and pride in their progression to school," Ofsted said. "Staff support this well by encouraging children to explore their new uniforms during craft and role play activities."

Meanwhile, "morale is high within the well-qualified team", Ofsted said, adding that "the manager rigorously evaluates all areas of her practice and is committed to enhancing the care she provides".

The education watchdog said: "The manager and her team are very enthusiastic about their future plans and demonstrate a clear and robust vision for improving children's outcomes."

When it comes to parents, they "talk with enthusiasm about their experiences at the nursery", Ofsted said, and "deeply value the nurturing care that the manager and staff provide to children and families".

In terms of room for improvement, Ofsted said the nursery needs to "implement strategies that will support children to better resolve disputes and manage conflict in their play", and "establish more robust methods of coaching, enabling staff to raise the quality of their practice to a consistently high standard".

Manager and director Sharon Zimmerman said: "We are delighted the inspector saw the best of our setting and listened to the plans we still have to continue improving what we are offering for the children placed in our care, and their families.

"I am personally very thankful to the team we have in nursery as, without them, none of what we do would be possible. I couldn't ask for a better work family."