Baroness Taylor of Stevenage has stepped down from Hertfordshire County Council with immediate effect after being appointed to the government’s front bench.

Labour politician Baroness Taylor – who sits in the House of Lords – is now parliamentary under-secretary of state at the Department of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

As a result of that national position, she has had to stand-down as a member of the county council, where she has been a member since 2008.

There will be a county council by-election for Baroness Taylor’s Bedwell division – but no date for that election has yet been set.

Council chairman Cllr Terry Douris announced Baroness Taylor’s departure at the latest meeting of the county council on Tuesday (July 16).

He said that “unfortunately” continuing her membership of the council would be a conflict of interest with her new ministerial role.

And so, he said, she had resigned as a county councillor. But, he said, “we wish her well in her new role”.

During a debate focussing on SEND, Conservative Cllr Morris Bright – who is executive member for public health and community safety – spoke of the admiration for Cllr Taylor.

“I think it is very sad that Sharon Taylor has had to have an immediate departure – so that we didn’t have an opportunity to pay tribute to her in this council for the extraordinary work that she has done here at Hertfordshire County Council.


“Great admiration for her across the chamber over all those years. But them’s the rules, according to national government. And she’s doing a great job there, I am sure.”

And later during the meeting leader of the Labour group Cllr Nigel Bell also recognised the role Baroness Taylor had played in the county.

He highlighted Baroness Taylor’s work as leader of Stevenage Borough Council “making far-reaching changes to the town for the better” – as well as a county councillor.

And he described her as a “true beacon of strength in local government”.

He said she had been respected in the Labour Party and across parties.

“When Sharon spoke here –  and in may other forums – she was usually listened to and very influential.

“So while it’s tempting to say that Westminster’s gain is Hertfordshire’s loss, I know that will not be the case, in her connected role.

“Because she will always, I am sure, have Hertfordshire in her thoughts and when it comes to policy recommendations.”

Baroness Taylor was leader of Stevenage Borough Council between 2006 and 2022, when she entered the House of Lords. She stepped down as a borough councillor for Symonds Green earlier this year.