Stevenage residents could be entitled to a fortune through these unclaimed estates in the town.

Government records updated this month have revealed there are 16 unclaimed estates in Stevenage, and even more across Hertfordshire.

When someone dies without leaving a will, their assets are left unclaimed, but the government monitors these estates in the hope that the lawful heirs will claim them.

You could be eligible to inherit an estate by checking if you share a last name with the deceased, with relatives having 12 years to apply to claim in the interest of money or 30 years without interest, from the day of death.

If no claim is made, the money could make its way into the government’s accounts.

Here are the following unclaimed estates in Stevenage, with names and their date of death:

1. Robert Adams - 11/06/2012

2. Teresa Ames - 15/07/2013

3. Brian Michael Breen - 10/01/2021

4. Elizabeth Dora Buffery - 19/01/2009

5. Edith Else Kumm - 15/06/1995

6. Ivor Lubchenko - 28/12/1998

7. John Joseph Maher - 07/07/2018

8. Wladyslaw Mikolajonek - 15/02/2004

9. Brian Terence Michael Northwood - 15/05/2016

10. Shamus O'Donnell - 26/09/2014

11. Hasib Ramic - 24/08/2006

12. Hermann Redlich - 29/07/2001

13. John Ruth - 14/09/2022

14. Brian Siggins - 01/08/2018

15. Nina Staroselska - 22/11/2013

16. William Albert Tarbitt - 06/12/2010