Planning officers have recommended that permission be granted for more than 300 homes to be built at the Oval in Stevenage.

Stevenage Borough Council want to build 250 homes as part of the Oval's redevelopment, and 91 independent living homes at nearby Hobbs Court.

The plans, submitted earlier this year, also include a New Market Square, 1,200 square metres of mixed commercial space, 2,650 square metres of retail space and a multi-faith space.

A range of smaller units would be available for existing tenants such a laundrette, pharmacy and café.

If approved, redevelopment is expected to be "substantially complete" by 2030.

The application includes an outline application for the 250-home development, and a full application for the Hobbs Court changes.

Permission was granted earlier this year for the 41 existing homes at Hobbs Court to be demolished, though works were paused in May after bats were found.

The new homes included in Hobbs Court would classed as "affordable", according to the government definition of the term, while none of the other 250 homes would be classed as such.

Stevenage's Local Plan for 2011-2031 aimed to provide 7,600 homes across the period, with the Oval identified as a site for around 275 properties.

Council officers recommended that the plans be granted permission, subject to a Section 106 agreement requiring financial contributions towards roads, sport, and buses - including £150,000 for enhancing bus routes serving the Oval, and £25,000 for providing real time bus information at the Oval.

Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board (ICB) sought around £570,000 to mitigate the development's impact on primary, mental and community healthcare. But this request was not acted upon, with planning officers deeming it to not meet the required "statutory tests".

The ICB will be able to bid for funding at a later date through the council's Community Infrastructure Levy scheme.

A final decision on the development will be made by Stevenage Borough Council's planning committee because it is classed as a major development and because the applicant is the council.

Discussion will take place at the committee's meeting on Wednesday, July 17.