The Community Transport Service in North Herts and Stevenage is looking for more volunteer drivers.

Drivers help elderly and vulnerable people across the county by transporting them to appointments and activities.

In North Herts and Stevenage over the past 12 months, a team of 67 volunteer drivers completed 4,963 bookings and covered more than 110,000 miles - donating 14.125 volunteer hours.

One service user commented: "I am so very grateful to be able to use the Community Transport service.

"I am very frail and have found all the Volunteers friendly, helpful and above all – very kind."

Another user added: "The car pick-up is always on time and the drivers are always helpful as I have mobility issues. This service is first class."

Potential drivers can find out more at the Virtual Volunteer Fair from midday until 1.15pm on Thursday, July 11.

To sign up go to and you will receive a link to join the online meeting.


Five Hertfordshire charities will share insights about their community work and open volunteer positions.

There will be an information session about the role of volunteer drivers.

Attendees will have the chance to ask questions and speak directly to other volunteers and charities.