A group of 22 firefighters undertook a mammoth challenge on Sunday (June 29) - cycling to every fire station in Hertfordshire in a bid to raise money for an injured colleague.

Starting at 5am the group cycled 180 miles in 16 hours, visiting all 29 stations across Hertfordshire.

While the annual bike ride, known as the Ride around Herts, is now in its seventh year, 2024 had a special significance as riders were raising money to support an injured colleague.

Liam Coffill was involved in a collision with a van last August while cycling to work.

Liam Coffill joined the riders for part of the journeyLiam Coffill joined the riders for part of the journey (Image: Herts County Council)

He suffered a severed spinal cord and is dealing with life-changing injuries.

The riders were raising money for The Fire Fighters Charity, which is currently supporting Liam.

Liam joined part of the challenge, riding an adaptive bike featuring a reclined seating position with hand pedalling.

Cyclists took to the road over the course of 16 hoursCyclists took to the road over the course of 16 hours (Image: Herts County Council)

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Watch commander Dwight Williams, who helped to organise the challenge, said: “Having Liam join us for part of the bike ride was very special, he’s an inspiration to us all. 

"Whilst we may have sore muscles after the challenge it’s humbling to see how he’s handling the changes to his life following the accident."

“The Fire Fighters Charity and the help that they give to people in the service is so vital – they are here to help us with the mental and physical challenges that we can face. Seeing their ongoing support for Liam, and how he is using it to overcome his challenges, made this year’s ride even more important.”

Money was raised for The Fire Fighters CharityMoney was raised for The Fire Fighters Charity (Image: Herts County Council)

Assistant chief fire officer Mark Barber, who also took part in the event, said: “This was a big challenge, travelling this distance in the space of one day was never going to be easy, but the support we received from colleagues and communities was incredible, and we’re very grateful."

Riders were cheered on by a gathering crowd as they completed their mission, and the day has so far raised nearly £5,000 - double the original target.

You can still support the charity and donate by visiting https://www.justgiving.com/page/rah2024.