Jo Heneker attended a sustainable leadership course a while back and met Kim Fiske, an HR specialist, incorporating sustainability into her field.

She’s based in Hitchin and this month, Jo is handing over her column to Kim.

Jo Heneker (Image: Jo Heneker)

After 25 years in the corporate world, I decided it was time for a change. In January 2024, I launched HR4Consulting, a Hitchin-based HR consultancy that’s breaking the mould.

This isn’t your run-of-the-mill consultancy – HR4Consulting is on a mission to make businesses greener and more sustainable.

But what exactly does sustainability mean, and why is it so important? Essentially, for me, sustainability is about causing little or no environmental damage so we can continue our way of life for generations to come.

It’s about creating a balance between our actions and the Earth’s ecosystems, ensuring we leave the planet in better shape than we found it.

Climate change is real, and it's here. The evidence is all around us: rising sea levels, soaring temperatures, and increasingly unpredictable weather. It’s a wake-up call that we need to heed – and fast.

Hertfordshire is a hub of entrepreneurial spirit. According to Inform Direct, 2023 saw 14,512 new companies formed, a 6.4 per cent increase from the previous year.

That’s 122,871 companies in total, with North Hertfordshire alone contributing 1,186 new businesses.

Imagine if all these companies embraced sustainability. The impact could be monumental, potentially cutting greenhouse gas emissions in half by June 2030 and achieving net zero by 2050.

So, how can businesses get there? HR4Consulting believes it starts with green HR practices.

Think digital automation to cut down on paper use, flexible working to reduce commuting, and travel reduction strategies.

The average UK person has a carbon footprint of 13 tonnes, and a single premium economy flight from London to Hong Kong accounts for 4.5 tonnes!

Sustainability isn’t just about the environment; it’s also about mental health. Climate change can cause eco-anxiety, but companies can counter this by promoting well-being initiatives. Cycle-to-work schemes, 'wonky fruit' in the canteen, and creating green working spaces with plants can help reduce stress and boost morale.

Fifty-seven per cent of UK adults want to work for companies contributing to net zero.

Embracing sustainability can attract top talent, build better strategies for supporting society, and even lead to investments in carbon offset projects.

Don’t forget to include 'green teams' in your employee engagement strategies and promote responsible supply chains – even something like opting for second-hand or sustainable office furniture can make a difference.

To truly make this happen, companies need to adopt sustainable metrics and transparent reporting.

HR4Consulting is ready to support companies every step of the way, from carbon reporting to tracking greenhouse emissions.

Visit to learn more and start your journey towards a greener future.

Carbon facts:

· Online activities contribute to emissions. Streaming an hour of video emits about 0.2 kilograms of CO2.

· Trees are superheroes in the fight against climate change! A single tree can absorb about 48 pounds of CO2 per year. Planting trees and protecting forests can reduce carbon footprints.

· An Apple - zero CO2e plucked from your garden, 32g CO2e sourced locally, 80g CO2e shipped.