A pre-school in Stevenage, where "staff have a deep understanding of the children in their care", has been rated good in all areas by Ofsted.

The manager and staff at Bunnies Pre-school (Shephall) "create an exciting learning environment that supports children to settle swiftly and remain engaged in play throughout their day", the education watchdog says in its inspection report.

"They have a deep understanding of the children in their care and their early experiences."

The education watchdog highlights how staff "place sharp focus" on supporting children's communication and early literacy skills, as well as on supporting children's emotional wellbeing.

"Staff provide opportunities for children to show off their talents and celebrate what makes them unique," it adds.

Ofsted also notes how children at the pre-school develop close bonds with one another and show consideration for their friends, with older children supporting their younger friends.

"Staff encourage these respectful relationships and positive behaviours," it says.

"They consistently recognise and praise children's kind behaviour and establish clear boundaries and rules, which children adhere to well."

Meanwhile, "relationships with parents are strong and respectful", with "parents complimentary about staff and the deep understanding they have of their children", Ofsted says.

Morale is high, and staff report that they feel well supported, Ofsted found. "They discuss the numerous training opportunities they have and how these support them to improve their knowledge and skills," it says.

In terms of room for improvement, Ofsted says staff should "promote children's critical thinking skills by allowing them sufficient time to respond to thought-provoking questions and explore their ideas further".

Ofsted has also suggested that the pre-school "enhances current methods of coaching and mentoring to support staff to deliver consistently high-quality teaching opportunities".

The pre-school's leader, Rachel Crossley, said: "Thank you to all of our Bunnies and their families for their support and kind words during the inspection, and for their ongoing commitment to our pre-school.

"Also, a big thank you goes to our amazing staff team, for all their dedicated enthusiasm and hard work. They are all instrumental in making the pre-school the happy community that we all enjoy coming to every day."