Plans to turn a restaurant into two flats in North Herts have been approved by the local authority.

Permission has been granted for a 17th century Grade II listed building on Hitchin Street in Baldock to be converted from a restaurant into two self-contained one-bedroom flats.

The developer said: "Currently, the building is empty and has for several years opened under a variety of guises - office, shop, wine bar and restaurant - none of which have been sustainable.

"It is no longer seen as a viable option to run as a bar or restaurant.

"The scheme is aimed at bringing the building back to its original residential use with the minimum of alterations and with no negative harm to the significance of the building.

"The alterations will contribute positively to the sustainability of the building."

North Herts Council's planning officer said: "The proposal is acceptable, given the relevant material considerations - namely the lack of footfall due to its location, its current extended vacancy and historic viability issues as a commercial unit, and the number of residential properties within the immediate proximity."