If you were asked to name a charity that operates in our area, chances are you’d name one of the large high-profile national charities.

Unless, of course, you have first-hand experience of working with some of the smaller players on the scene.

There are 163,959 voluntary organisations in the U.K. and 96 per cent of these are small charities.

Most of our work here at North Herts and Stevenage Centre for Voluntary Services is undertaken to support such local groups and organisations.

Over 70 per cent of small charities have an annual income of under £100,000 but with limited resources they are changing the world for millions of people.

Small charities are vital because they address specific community needs with personalised, innovative, and community-driven approaches.

We recognise that larger, national charities undertake wonderful work, but smaller, local groups strengthen their local communities.

They promote social cohesion and ensure that even the most marginalised groups receive the support and understanding that they need.

As we have seen in recent years, small charities are agile and versatile. They can respond quickly to new and emerging needs and tailor their services to meet those needs. But it can also leave them exposed to today's challenges.

Cost of living increases, on top of the lasting effects of the pandemic, following ten years of austerity mean that inequalities in communities are widening.

There have been increasing demands on small charity services as costs of delivering those services have spiralled.

Fundraising is more challenging; most charities cannot survive simply on monetary donations from the public and need to diversify their revenue sources. And volunteering numbers have dropped.

As our CEO, Hannah Morgan-Gray says, "for many, it’s quite literally, a perfect storm".

We at North Herts & Stevenage CVS fully recognise the invaluable work of small charities and send a huge ‘thank you’ to those dedicated, resourceful and resilient people who work or volunteer for small charities and who make this a better world.

We encourage them to join with us to raise their profile, to amplify their voices and influence, to win the support they need to thrive and prosper.

To find out more about Small Charity Week visit www.smallcharityweek.com.

When small charities are stronger, all the communities they are part of become stronger with them.

If you operate, or plan to start a group in the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector in North Hertfordshire or Stevenage, and would like further details about the work we undertake please visit us at www.nhcvs.org.uk or email info@nhcvs.org.uk.