An anti-vaxxer's car has been causing quite a stir in Letchworth.

The white Mercedes has been spotted parked in Grange Road, with signs displayed that criticise mRNA vaccines.

There are also other signs in the car that say "cash is king" and "cash is freedom".

The messages have prompted a heated debate on social media, with opinions divided.


One person said "I'm with you 100%", while another supporter added: "I've never caught Covid once. I never got vaccinated. I know people that have serious health problems now from the vaccine."

Meanwhile, there are plenty of people opposed to the anti-vaxxer's views, with one calling the person "some conspiracy theory idiot". Another said: "Anti-vaxxers are causing dangerous levels of measles and whooping cough, which is leading to children dying or getting brain damage. It’s not only pathetic, it’s dangerous."