Labour's Hitchin candidate has unveiled a mini manifesto, setting out five pledges to residents ahead of the General Election.

Alistair Strathern has served as the MP for Mid Bedfordshire since October of last year, but is now taking on Conservative Bim Afolami in the newly created Hitchin seat (formerly Hitchin and Harpenden).

Following the launch of his party's national manifesto earlier this month, Mr Strathern has unveiled five pledges to the people of Hitchin.

In an interview with The Comet last week, he spoke of the need to deliver change to the community, with a focus on healthcare and infrastructure.

The five pledges are:

1. "A doctor and dentist for everyone whenever they need it."

2. "Making our area the best place to grow up"

3. "Proper infrastructure for new homes in Hitchin"

4. "Defending our natural environment"

5. "Safe, successful high streets and small businesses"

Read more:

• Election 2024:Alistair Strathern interview

Election 2024: Bim Afolami interview

 Election 2024: Hitchin candidate mission statements

Unveiling the pledges, Mr Strathern said: "I live here, and I've heard what issues people face because they're my neighbours and friends.

"But I've also been getting out there right across our area, to hear more about your concerns and what I could do as your MP to help.

"There will be no quick fixes, but if I’m re-elected I’ll start the hard work: delivering more doctors and dentist appointments, championing access to affordable childcare and opportunities for young people, protection for nature, proper infrastructure for new homes, and support for our fantastic local businesses."

The General Election takes place next Thursday (July 4) with counting taking place overnight.

As well as Mr Strathern and Mr Afolami, the other candidates in Hitchin are: Chris Lucas (Liberal Democrats), Charles Bunker (Reform UK), Will Lavin (Green Party) and Sid Cordle (Christian People's Alliance).