A triathlon in aid of a seriously ill North Herts schoolboy is returning for a second time to help fund urgent adaptations to his home as a result of his worsening condition.

William Eames, an 11-year-old from Codicote, has Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) - an incurable muscle-wasting disease which means he is dependent on a wheelchair. 

William with his sister Phoebe and parents Matt and Jo.William with his sister Phoebe and parents Matt and Jo. (Image: Eames family)

There is no cure for the progressive condition, which is also starting to affect how well William can use his arms and hands. Life expectancy for people with DMD is just 20 to 30 years.

On Sunday, June 23, 60 people will be taking part in a triathlon to raise money for additional changes to William’s home to help his family care for him. For example, a hoist is urgently needed in his bedroom. 

Those taking part will do a 50km bike ride, swim 1.25km and run 8km. A family fun run is also being held in Codicote on the same day.

Organiser Vikki Francis, a close friend of William’s family, said: "The decline in William’s condition has been heart-breaking to see. He is an incredibly brave and smiley boy despite everything he has to put up with - including multiple painful hospital appointments.

"An amazing team of people from Codicote and the surrounding area has come together to put everything into this event because we want to do whatever we can to make life a little easier for William and his lovely family." 

Family friend Vikki Francis (right) has organised the triathlon. Pictured here with William's mum Jo.Family friend Vikki Francis (right) has organised the triathlon. Pictured here with William's mum Jo. (Image: Vikki Francis)

The fundraisers have set a target of £8,000. The event is being sponsored by Crane & Staples solicitors in Welwyn Garden City, who are funding medals and goody bags for everyone taking part. 

Sam Webb, from Crane and Staples, said: "When we heard about everything that William and his family are going through, we were happy to help support this community event.

"Good luck to all the competitors. The money you’re raising is going to a great cause."

To make a donation, visit justgiving.com/crowdfunding/triathlonforwilliam2.

To learn more about William, visit facebook.com/DefendingWilliamagainstDuchenne.