Ahead of people going to the polls on July 4, the Comet has asked the parliamentary candidates for North East Herts why they should get your vote in the General Election.

Chris Hinchliff says he has committed his life to campaigning for people for the past 10 years.Chris Hinchliff says he has committed his life to campaigning for people for the past 10 years. (Image: Supplied)

Chris Hinchliff - Labour

I’m Chris Hinchliff, a Royston local, and Labour’s candidate for North East Hertfordshire. 

For the last 10 years, I’ve committed my life to campaigning for people. As a local councillor and charity leader, I’ve led work protecting both social care for families and the futures of rural communities like those in our area.

As your MP, I would be a fearless advocate for all constituents, and would prioritise:

  • More affordable homes for local families.
  • Better public transport to end rural isolation and combat climate change.
  • Holding housing developers accountable to provide new infrastructure like schools and GP surgeries alongside new homes. 
  • Supporting local businesses and revitalising our high streets.
  • Tackling pollution to protect our rivers and countryside.

So far in this campaign, I've spoken with hundreds of people all over the constituency. Many people are calling for change, frustrated by 14 years of neglect that has left the NHS on its knees and schools in crisis. As your MP, I would fight tirelessly to make sure our communities have the services and support that they deserve.

The polls show that North East Hertfordshire is a two-horse race between Labour and the Tories. So, on July 4, vote for change, vote Labour.

Nikka Da Costa says you can count on her for a strong voice in Parliament.Nikka Da Costa says you can count on her for a strong voice in Parliament. (Image: Supplied)

Nikki Da Costa - Conservatives

From securing a new world-class cancer hospital, to making every local secondary school good or outstanding, we’re getting things done here.

With your support, I’ll work with teachers to make all our primary schools good or outstanding, and to get our state-of-the-art diagnostic health centres built. I’ll work with local councils to fill empty shops, guard our Green Belt, and make sure that houses built for our children are beautiful and in the right place. And I’ll do the hard work to help get your taxes down.

I live locally, in Ashwell, with my family. I’m a parent, school governor, and have run my own business, so I see the same issues you do.

But if you want your voice to be heard, you need someone who can make politicians listen to you and force action. That’s what I do. That’s how I ended up serving two prime ministers as director of legislative affairs.

Whether it is protecting our chalk streams, stopping inappropriate development, ensuring MPs honour their promises, or standing up for women and girls’ safety, I’ve got stuck in.

Your vote is about what happens locally – to our home. For a strong voice in Parliament, count on me.    

Ruth Brown says she cares passionately about the needs of the most vulnerable in society.Ruth Brown says she cares passionately about the needs of the most vulnerable in society. (Image: Supplied)

Ruth Brown - Liberal Democrats

I am district councillor for Royston Heath and have been deputy leader of North Herts Council and Cabinet member for planning and transport for the last two years.

I have lived in the constituency for over 35 years and have a strong track record as a hard-working local community champion. I have been community leader in roles such as school governor, church pastor and town and district councillor. I have supported the voluntary sector to reduce inequality and worked in partnership to promote local business.

I am a strong advocate for environmental issues and an accredited Green Liberal Democrat candidate. I have promoted active travel, sustainable development, reducing waste, increasing recycling, high quality green spaces and addressing the climate, biodiversity and ecological emergency.

I care passionately about the needs of the most vulnerable in society, and am committed to widening access to education and employment, building affordable homes and expanding community-based health and social care services.

My top three priorities for a fair deal for North East Hertfordshire are health and social care, creating a more equal society, and the environment.

Stevenage Adelantado says that, if elected, he will view his time as MP as a term of service to his constituents.Steve Adelantado says that, if elected, he will view his time as MP as a term of service to his constituents. (Image: Supplied)

Steve Adelantado - Reform

I am standing for election as a Reform UK candidate because I believe we need change.

I am a man who has worked all my life, and always thought politics was best left to those from the political establishment. It has become clear to me that model has failed. People seeing politics as a career choice has created a culture of MPs not rocking the boat - not wanting to get off the fence, to preserve their position. That has harmed our country.

I am not a career politician, nor will I become one. If I am elected, I will view my time as your MP as a term of service to you. I do not want to make a career. I want to make a difference.

Vicky Burt is a district councillor for Buntingford.Vicky Burt is a district councillor for Buntingford. (Image: Supplied)

Vicky Burt - Green

I have lived in this constituency for over a decade and have been district councillor for Buntingford for just over a year.

I’ve spent the last few weeks travelling to every village and town in our constituency, speaking to as many people as possible about their concerns and the issues they face.

These include the cost-of-living crisis, the difficulty getting GP appointments, and frustration as vast swathes of green field sites are built on, while buildings that could be used for homes lie empty.

It is very likely that we will get a Labour government, but we need to hold them to account on the big issues. Only Green MPs can be trusted to do this. We’re sleep-walking into a climate disaster and our public services are on their knees.

I will be pushing for action on the environment, tighter regulation of housing, and real funding increases to save our NHS and public services.

If you vote for me, I guarantee that I will be an honest, hard-working and committed constituency MP, who can be relied upon to do the very best for my constituents.

By voting Green, together we can create a fairer, greener country.