A Hitchin pre-school and nursery "filled with laughter and excitement" has been rated good in all areas by Ofsted, following an inspection.

Tilehouse Street Pre-School and Nursery is "a welcoming pre-school where children are well cared for and make good progress in their learning", Ofsted found.

In the education watchdog's report, it says: "Children enjoy their time at this lively pre-school filled with laughter and excitement. 

"The caring nature of staff helps children to feel settled and content. Staff support children's personal development, helping them develop self-belief and confidence.

"Children set their own goals, focusing on skills they want to develop, such as doing up their zip.

"Shared celebrations help children to feel pride in their achievements as they adopt a 'can-do' attitude.

"Staff encourage children to discuss their feelings. This helps children to begin to understand emotions and how to express themselves.

"Staff set high expectations for behaviour. They emphasise kindness and the importance of following the rules."

Ofsted also highlighted how staff "create a language-rich environment that promotes children's communication skills", and praised the strong partnerships with parents that contribute to children's development. 

The inspector noted that the manager of the pre-school in Upper Tilehouse Street, Deborah Tobias, "is passionate about her role", and "leads a team of friendly, skilled staff who put children at the heart of everything they do".

In terms of room for improvement, Ofsted said: "The provider should strengthen supervision systems so that staff receive focused feedback, providing them with specific targets to develop their skills and knowledge further, and support staff to plan activities with clear learning intentions that focus on children's next steps in learning."

Ms Tobias said: "Tilehouse Street Pre-school and Nursery has been serving the community for 56 years.

"We are proud that our pre-school and nursery are highly recommended in Hitchin by our families.

"Our recent Ofsted inspection not only rated us as good, but also highlighted the experiences of children that are 'filled with laughter and excitement' by the 'caring nature of staff'.

"Children and their families are welcomed, valued and supported at Tilehouse Street Pre-school and Nursery.

"If you are still looking for a pre-school space in September 2024, please contact the setting, as we have limited availability."