I want to thank everyone who braved all kinds of weather to speak with me, our fantastic volunteers, and our candidates in the run up to the local elections.

A special thank you also goes to everyone who ran or took part in these elections right across our towns and villages.

Local politics may not always be the most glamorous calling, but it really matters. Those who put themselves forward for election should take pride in playing their part.

The last few weeks saw my step count and caffeine intake reach new heights as I supported fantastic candidates in campaigning right across our communities.

On the doorstep I’ve discussed everything, from the failures of the current planning system to long waits to see doctors locally, I even received kind invitations to tour families’ beautiful homes and businesses.

There's nothing I enjoy more than the healthy dialogue and debate - especially when it offers a chance to escape a sudden downpour!

But as well as being such an important choice to determine who makes key decisions in our area, this time round our local elections took on a wider importance too.

We are – hopefully – in a general election year, and many will use this as a test to see how people will use their vote ahead of the first ever election in our new Hitchin constituency. 

In the Hertfordshire half of the new constituency, it was great to see Labour securing more councillors and more votes than any other party. 

And in Bedfordshire, it was fantastic to see Labour's John Tizard beat the Conservatives to become the new Police and Crime Commissioner.

His pledges to boost neighbourhood policing and ensure rural crime is taken seriously rightly resonated across our towns and villages, and I look forward to working with him to deliver these priorities.

Speaking to people across our constituency it's clear to me we can't afford five more years of more of the same.

The Conservatives’ failure is visible in every community: the long waiting times for operations and GP appointments, the sewage in our rivers, the parents struggling with high childcare costs, and the families battling with high mortgage and food bills.

These results confirm what past results and opinion pollsters had already highlighted. For anyone looking for change in Hitchin and across our towns and villages at the next general election, it is Labour who are best placed to beat the Conservatives here.

While it looks like the Prime Minister won't be rushing to put his record to the people at the ballot box, I'll be continuing to work hard across our towns and villages to earn your trust and show that things can be better than this. 

Change is possible here, but we have to deliver it together. I hope when the time comes, I can earn your support to do exactly that.