Two primary school pupils have helped raise close to £6,000 to support a young man paralysed in a diving accident earlier this year.

Ethan Burn, from Hitchin, was paralysed from the neck down after a diving accident in Thailand.

The Comet: Ethan is now paralysed from the neck down.Ethan is now paralysed from the neck down. (Image: Burn Family)

The 22-year-old was instantly paralysed when he dislocated his C4 vertebrae and crushed his spinal cord during a shallow dive.

He was flown back to the UK for specialist treatment, and his family have admitted that the challenges have been "immense" since the accident.

They have been raising money to pay for Ethan's rehabilitation, and adaptations to their home, as well specialist equipment to help Ethan regain his independence.

Hearing about Ethan's accident, two Year 5 pupils at Offley Endowed Primary School - Caitlyn and Evie - asked their headteacher, Paul Edwards, if they could organise and hold a fundraising day for Ethan.

The Comet: Ethan has been having specialist treatment in the UK.Ethan has been having specialist treatment in the UK. (Image: Burn Family)

Calling it Empowering Ethan Day, the fundraising event was held on May 3 and included a non-uniform day, fun run, cake sale, and books and toys sale.

The girls had hoped to raise £200, but have smashed their target, raising close to £6,000.

Mr Edwards said: "When the girls approached me with their idea for Empowering Ethan Day, my first reaction was incredible pride and excitement.

"We worked on some dates and tweaked their plan. The only other involvement from me was to check the letters going out to parents, the details of the sponsored run and the timings. Everything else they organised themselves, with their class teacher Mrs Warne overseeing the project.

The Comet: The fundraising event included a cake sale.The fundraising event included a cake sale. (Image: Offley Endowed Primary School)

"The girls wanted to try to raise £200, and we surpassed £1,000 on the day of the event. Once this rolled past £5,000, the whole school was just so excited. 

"Caitlyn and Evie made this event happen and we are all grateful to the whole school community for backing them and raising almost £6,000 to help Ethan in his recovery.

"They are a real credit to the school and they certainly have a bright future ahead of them."

A JustGiving page set up by Ethan's parents has so far raised more than £107,000 towards Ethan's care. To make a donation, visit