More than 120 volunteers helped tidy up the town during Hitchin Forum's Big Spring Clean.

On Sunday, March 24, the group cleared litter from around 20 areas - an increase on previous years.

An estimated 70 bags of litter were collected, with volunteers taking recyclable items home to put in their grey bins.

Organiser Bill Sellicks, of Hitchin Forum, said: "Although it was a bit cold, it didn’t rain, which was a bonus compared with the same very soggy event last year at this time!"

The Comet: Some of the Hitchin 9th Guides at Purwell Recreation GroundSome of the Hitchin 9th Guides at Purwell Recreation Ground (Image: Hitchin Forum)

The volunteers were keen to work in new areas rather than gravitating around Windmill Hill, which now typically has less litter thanks council contractors and volunteer litter pickers throughout the year.

Bill added: "A big ‘thank you’ goes to Holy Saviour Guides for their work on the Dell, the 9th Hitchin Guides on Purwell Recreation Ground and members of the Bubbleworks Community who collect litter whilst on their Sunday morning run.


"In spite of a rival event, members of Hitchin Tennis Club joined other volunteers to do an excellent job on Bancroft."

North Herts Council provided litter picks, while the Town Centre Rangers helped distribute them.

The date of the October litter-pick will be announced soon. To take part email