Real Care Solutions, a Stevenage-based care provider, has been rated as 'requires improvement' by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

A report was published for the Bessemer Drive firm on Thursday, December 14, following an inspection in October.

Despite the "disappointing" overall rating, Real Care Solutions was rated as 'good' in two of the five areas assessed. These were 'caring' and 'responsive'.

The provider was rated as 'requires improvement' in the 'safe', 'effective' and 'well-led' areas.

The Comet: The provider is based at Bessemer Drive's Business & Technology Centre.The provider is based at Bessemer Drive's Business & Technology Centre. (Image: Google Maps)

The CQC's report states: "People were not always supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives, and staff did not always support them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service did not always support this practice.

"Staff understanding of the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) was not strong.

"There were occasions where these principles had not been applied when choosing to override a person's decisions about their care."

The CQC also identified issues with staff training, but did highlight the satisfaction of customers at the service.

The report continues: "Staff did not receive sufficient training to ensure people received the right care in relation to all their needs.

"However, people and their relatives were complimentary towards the staff and the care they received which they said was kind, caring and considerate."

When approached for comment, a spokesperson for Real Care Solutions said: "Two inspectors came to our office for the day on October 10 last year and they were courteous and professional.

"Disappointingly for us the result was a downgrading.

"We have made, and are making, the necessary adjustments to satisfy the CQC inspectors, and look forward to our next inspection so that we may have the opportunity to upgrade our rating once again.


"We are confident that we provide a wonderful standard of care to our clients, who tell us so on a daily basis, and I am proud of our wonderful care team.

"We are a very small company, aiming to keep a small capacity up to a maximum of 30 clients which enables us to maintain a detailed level of oversight.

"We truly know our clients; We know their needs and wishes, and this enables us to provide an exceptionally tailored service which we are very proud of."