A decision is set to be made later today on plans for a restaurant in Stevenage High Street to get rid of four free parking bays and put a permanent seating area in their place.

Cinnabar's plans have been met with mixed reaction, with Stevenage Borough Council receiving 73 letters of objection and 53 letters of support. 

Those objecting to the plans have raised concerns around the loss of parking and the impact this will have on other businesses, and that a precedent will be set.


Those in support of the plans have said the seating area will improve the visual appearance of the area, will be popular, and is a more effective use of the area.

The council's planning officer has recommended that planning permission is granted. 

He said: "Given the proposal would only result in the loss of four bays, the location is highly sustainable and there is a good level of alternative parking in close proximity of the site, it is considered the loss of the parking spaces is acceptable in this instance in this location."