A petition has been started against plans to build three houses on open green space in a Stevenage street.

Stevenage Borough Council wants to build three three-bedroom houses for private sale on land opposite 25 and 26 St Albans Drive.

The plans also include six parking spaces for the proposed homes.


The Design and Access Statement accompanying the planning application says: "We believe the development will be a welcome addition to the town and will enhance the character of the area."

However, the plans have been met with widespread objection from members of the public.

A petition against the proposed development has been started, and more than 100 people have written to the council to formally object to the plans.

Concerns include parking, the loss of open green space, and the loss of privacy and light to neighbouring properties.


One objector said the proposed development "will remove the valuable green space that is central to the street, used by local children playing in a safe environment close to their homes".

Another said: "There will be a reduction in privacy for many of the houses around the development."

A third said: "The traffic in the drive is already excessive, with many cars parked on the street and grass verges, as there is insufficient parking. This proposal not only removes current parking, but would also significantly [increase] traffic to the drive."


Campaigners have sited a toilet on the proposed development site, with a sign saying "Bog Off! We Object!" People are invited to sign "the objection seat".

The Design and Access Statement says: "The development intends to create places that meet the needs of people, are visually attractive, improve the character and quality of the area, and are safe."

The planning application, submitted to the council's planning department, is set to be determined by October 11.

To have your say, visit stevenage.gov.uk and search for reference 23/00637/FP in the planning portal.